• First discovered by British chemist in 1974, heroin or diasetilmorfin is bonding the active ingredient of opium, namely morphine (derived from opium poppies), with the general industrial acid, acetic anhidra. At the end of the 19th century, heroin was made on a large scale as a broad spectrum painkiller. Formerly regarded as a substitute for heroin morphine are "safe and not addictive".
• Causing physical addiction is high and long-term psychological dependence.
• Used by injection, sniff or smoked.
• Depending on the availability of financial and users, this drug is usually injected approximately three times a day (every eight hours).
• The effect lasts three to six hours.
• Behavior that is common after using heroin, among others, a sense of euphoria and drowsiness that very soon after being injected, lethargy, pleading face and may also walk with his feet dragged.
• Acute Withdrawal symptoms begin within 8-12 hours after the last dose.
• Withdrawal symptoms are generally not harmful but can be very painful. Symptoms may include abdominal discomfort, muscle cramps, and flu-like symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that the users obtain heroin, they would inject it as soon as possible, sometimes without regard to the risk of becoming infected with HIV, and hepatitis B and C.
• Health problems associated with long-term use of heroin injections may include blood vessels to deflate, abscesses, tetanus, HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B and C, heart disease, breast and lung, as well as constipation. Overdose can occur with or without long-term use.
Heroin Facts

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